HW 7: Design a Controller

We are going to control the motion of a rectangular "paddle" by implementing a position-velocity controller.

The pose of the paddle can be described as $(x,y,\theta)$. Where $x,y$ describe the center of mass coordinate.

Thus, the state of the control problem is ${\bf x} = (x, y, \theta, \dot x, \dot y, \dot \theta)$

The control inputs are $(u_x, u_y, u_{th}) = (F_{app_x}, F_{app_y},\tau_{app})$.

  • The forces $(F_{app_x}, F_{app_y})$ are applied to the center of mass and do not cause any angular acceleration.

  • Similiarly, the torque $(\tau_{app})$ is an external moment applied to the center of mass.

The output of the controller is simply the state.

As discussed in class, this system is decoupled. The control problem can be seperated into the horizontal control problem, vertical control problem, and rotational control problem.

Hit the play button to run a simulation. A screen should pop up where the position of the paddle is relatively stable.

If you look at the code in the closedLoopController function, you will see that the only control input is $u_y=K_{p_y} \cdot g = m\cdot g$. Contrary to the function name, this is a feed forward controller that applies a force upwards to counteract gravity.

Your job is to modify the code in this function to implement a position-velocity controller.

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import tutorial; reload(tutorial); from tutorial import *

# starting position of the paddle at t=0
initial_pose = (15, 12, 0.0)

# desired position of the paddle (reference signal)
desired_pose = (15, 12, 0.0)

# desired velocity of the paddle (reference signal).  
# when this is set to 0 we want the paddle to stop at our desired_pose.
desired_vel = (0, 0, 0)     

# our desired state specifies a pose and velocity of the paddle (x,y,th,dx,dy,dth)
desired_state = desired_pose + desired_vel

# system parameters (do not change)
m = bodies['robot'].mass
I = bodies['robot'].inertia
g = 9.81

# example gain parameter for vertical proportion control
K_py = m*1

def closedLoopController (time, robot_state):
    # the output signal
    x, y, th, xdot, ydot, thdot = robot_state
    # the reference signal
    rx, ry, rth, rxdot, rydot, rthdot = desired_state 

    # the controller output
    u_x = 0         #F_app_x
    u_y = K_py*g    #F_app_y currently set to adjust for gravity
    u_th = 0        #\tau_app
    return u_x, u_y, u_th 

result = run_pd_control(initial_pose, closedLoopController)
plot(result, "Robot")

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